Every major plan or big business has a birthplace – that is from the mind (the source where every action flows out from).
Before you jump into the Internet marketing scene, one of the first things that you must fine-tune is your mindset.
But what does it mean to develop the right mindset? Here are a few suggestions:
* Making money online is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You don’t just „dump money‟ into some marketing scheme hoping to get money in return.
* You must invest time into your education. Depending on your aptitude, you don’t just read an E-book or two and expect to become an Internet marketing expert. After all, how long did it take you to get your university degree?
* You must invest time for trial and error. No one gets it „right‟ on the first try. You must be prepared for failures and mistakes. Learn from them and make sure you get up and fight again!
* You must be prepared to put up with negative people. There are many in the world out there who do not believe that it is possible to make money online. When you put your plans into action, you will face resistance from your beer-drinking buddies, your family members or even your BOSS! If you don’t have the endurance, you will succumb to the pressure.
* You must be prepared to go all the way. An Internet marketing business is just like any other business in the „offline‟ world. If you are not prepared to go all the way, you will give up halfway because you have put in a half-hearted attitude into your business. Remember the golden rule: how badly do you want success?
Choosing The Right Vehicle
Another thing that you must remember is that it is not enough to have the winning mindset alone. You must have the right vehicle to take you there.
For example: if you are wanted to get from one state in the U.S. to another, you will need to have the right vehicle to take you there. You can choose to ride a plane, drive a car or walk.
Of course, it would be absurd to walk. But that is what people do in their Internet marketing business! They do not choose the best (or cost effective) vehicle to get them there!
They have the right mindset alright. And they are probably so fired up and positive that they don’t care how long it takes them to arrive at their destination.
It is also no different from natives who are all riled up about defending their homeland against invaders, but if they don’t have guns, their axes, spears and shields are not going to save them no matter how valiantly they fight (against the enemy’s gunpowder)!
Make no mistake about this. Taking too long to reach the destination is no different from failing. We must not delude ourselves into thinking that it takes time to build a business when we should be making money after a couple of months.
Some people spent years reading „make money online‟ E-books without making a single cent from the Internet. They convince themselves that they are still in the learning and education phase, but they don’t take action!
Sure, it takes time to build a solid business, but any money that you are not making means you’ve „lost‟ money because that is the money that you SHOULD be earning instead of wasting your time with things that don’t work.
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